Сultivation of fruit and berries
The company is successfully cultivating fruit and berries. Here is the short list of crops cultivated within our project:

- Liviya
- Preobrazheniye
- Yubiley Novocherkaska
- Rochefort
- Delight Ideal
- Rainbow
- Anyuta

- Gala Must
- Golden Delicious
- Granny Smith
- Beni Shogun
- Fuji
- Florina

- Noyabrskaya
- Kyrgyz Winter Pear
- Talgar Beauty
- Tavrocheskaya
- Raisin of Crimea

- Cardinal
- Harmony
- Ambassador of Peace
- Red Haven

- Regina
- Kordia
- Summit

- Phenomenon
- Phoenix

- Loch Tay